Email Marketing
With an Online Express Store option available to customers, Stadium Toyota uses email marketing to target prospective buyers from the last 30‑60 days. The goal of this email was to drive customers to the dealerships' website so they could learn about how the online store works, and then encourage them to start a hassle‑free purchasing process.
My Role: Digital Designer, Email Developer
Skills Practiced: Collaboration, Sketching, Typography, Coding, Product Testing
Tools: Pencil & Paper, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, Litmus
Dynamic Beacon / March 2019
Light Gray
HEX: #E3E3E3
RGB: 227, 227, 227
Dark Gray
HEX: #2B2B2B
RGB: 43, 43, 43
HEX: #000000
RGB: 0, 0, 0
RGB: 255, 255, 255
HEX: #D71920
RGB: 215, 25, 32
Layout Design Sketch
Hand‑coding and Developing
Email Browser Testing in Litmus